歌名:Dance Jam
作詞:Hacchin' Maya
(日文歌詞) |
(avex中譯歌詞) |
Stand up people Try some heck of sweet show Why not, Try some heck of sweet show I wanna let you go!! ざわめくLadies precious こたえるようにDee-jay 迷いこんだVenus 俯いてばかり 壁にもたれ Gee, Babe, Don't make it hasty Know you're looking for something Babe, Don't make it hasty Don't you wanna know?How deep the ecstasy What's up people!!dance dance dance!! やわなハート脱ぎ捨て Stand up people!!ha ha ha もう さらけ出して 愛しあおうよ 壊れろLadies Heat up 熱いやつをDee-jay さぁ我慢しないで Venus 俺のカラダに 触れて感じて Gee, Babe, Don't make it rusty Move like in the bed nasty Babe, Don't make it lasting Don't you wanna know?How deep the affection What's up people!!dance dance dance!! やわなハート脱ぎ捨て Stand up people!!ha ha ha もう さらけ出して 愛しあおうよ What's up people!!dance dance dance!! やわなハート脱ぎ捨て Stand up people!!ha ha ha もう さらけ出して 愛しあおうよ Dance Jam people!!let you go!! もっとカラダに寄せて Dance Jam people!!let you go!! 君をさがして もっと奥のほうへ |
Stand up people Try some heck of sweet show Why not, Try some heck of sweet show I wanna let you go!! 騷動Ladies precious 彷彿回應一般Dee-jay 迷途的維納斯 儘是低著頭 倚著牆壁 Gee, Babe, Don't make it hasty Know you're looking for something Babe, Don't make it hasty Don't you wanna know?How deep the ecstasy What's up people!!dance dance dance!! 擺脫那不堪一擊的心 Stand up people!!ha ha ha 讓我們 坦誠一切 相愛吧 瘋狂吧Ladies Heat up那熱情的傢伙Dee-jay 來 別再忍耐維納斯 觸摸我的身體 去感覺 Gee, Babe, Don't make it rusty Move like in the bed nasty Babe, Don't make it lasting Don't you wanna know?How deep the affection What's up people!!dance dance dance!! 擺脫那不堪一擊的心 Stand up people!!ha ha ha 讓我們 坦誠一切 相愛吧 What's up people!!dance dance dance!! 擺脫那不堪一擊的心 Stand up people!!ha ha ha 讓我們 坦誠一切 相愛吧 Dance Jam people!!let you go!! 讓身體更靠近 Dance Jam people!!let you go!! 找尋妳 往更深處 |